Spilling Our Tea

Spilling Our Tea

Erin Gallagher

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Episode 5: Erin Gallagher

If you're ever been anxious or stressed then this episode is for you. Erin the owner of Southern Hemp Tea Co. Shares her personal experience with having an anxiety disorder and how we can navigate it and CBD our way through!

About Spilling Our Tea

Erin Gallagher, Founder and owner of Southern Hemp Tea Co. reveals the gut-wrenching truth about anxiety while demystifying the stigma around CBD and Hemp wellness. Bad days are upon us and if you feel you are running low on hope, this podcast will share and expose education on how CBD works and the positive impact it has on society. The tea's are fabulous, yet talking about mental wellness with no filter is more powerful than anything else out there. Each guest offers a new vulnerable perspective that most people will relate to indefinitely. This is meant to raise awareness and open discuss how others are getting by in 2021 and coping with anxiety. Access more episodes, subscribe, and learn more.