FRIED: The Burnout Podcast

FRIED: The Burnout Podcast

By Cait Donovan

The place to listen to real, raw stories of burnout and burnout recovery so that you can learn: Burnout is Real. You're not alone. This is doable. There are resources for you. Someone like you has been through this and has answers for you. Interviews go deep and discuss trauma, race, deep depression, thoughts of suicide and of course, the light that enters once the realization happens and the decision to make a change has been made. We're here with you. For all of it.


Cait Donovan: The Rule of Thirds - Why Burnout Recovery Isn’t About Feeling Great All the Time

“I want you to give yourself permission to live in this rule of thirds,” says host Cait Donovan, borrowing a concept that Olympic runner Alexi Pappas recently shared online. Alexi's coach told her that anything you're doing right will feel a combinatRead more


Sarah Yovovich: Healing Burnout from Emotional Abuse with Five Element Wisdom and Strong Boundaries

“Part of the empowerment is recognizing that the things that you’re weak in are actually just the flip side of your strengths,” explains Sarah Yovovich, teacher writer and body worker, who joins FRIED to discuss the kind of burnout which results fromRead more


Roslyn McLarty: Founder Burnout and The Bravery of Going WITHIN

“I just didn’t feel like I had the permission to bring that part of myself into the workplace and say, ‘Hey, I want to start making some shifts,’”says Roslyn McLarty, of her time as co-founder of the GIST, a women-run sports media brand, making sportRead more


Nicole Maitland: Riding Life’s Waves – Trusting Your Body During Emotional Uncertainty

“Cool, this is an emotion, but what is it telling me? What is the information?” asks Nicole Maitland, host of the podcast “Yarns for the Soul” and today’s guest on this episode of FRIED hosted by Sarah Vosen. The same high level of sensitivity that mRead more


Bryan Huhn, CFP: Money Stress, Burnout, and Living According to Joy

“What’s more important: being happy for having some stupid business card?” Asks Bryan Huhn, who joins FRIED today to discuss the relationship between financial stress and burnout, particularly when we allow the money we’re making—and the money we thiRead more

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