

Regina Larko

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Permission To Fail | Dejan Stojanovic

Listen on Apple, Spotify or any of your favorite Podcast players. šŸŽ™ļø There could not be a better moment to talk about failure š—§š—µš—²š—暝—² š—°š—¼š˜‚š—¹š—±š—»ā€™š˜ š—Æš—² š—® š—Æš—²š˜š˜š—²š—æ š—ŗš—¼š—ŗš—²š—»š˜ š˜š—¼ š˜š—®š—¹š—ø š—®š—Æš—¼š˜‚š˜ š—³š—®š—¶š—¹š˜‚š—暝—² than during this time when we are celebrating 8 years of podcasting (ā #impact PodcastĀ ā turns 8 this February!) And there couldnā€™t be a... The post Permission to Fail | Dejan Stojanovic appeared first on .

About #impact

A PODCAST ABOUT STUFF THAT MATTERS. Our core purpose is to elevate and celebrate deserving voices. #impact Podcast empowers purpose-driven organisations and individuals to tell their stories in an intimate, authentic way that allows them to stand out by giving them a voice. We also empower our listeners to take action and live a more conscious life, start giving back to society themselves and take small steps towards their own contributions to make the world a better place. Access more episodes, subscribe, and learn more.