Pure Gold

Pure Gold

By Frank Honess

Pure Gold is an honest, no nonsense take on what it means to live with sexual integrity. Each podcast offers practical tips and suggestions on how to strengthen your character, deepen your transparency, & grow in truth through the power of Jesus Christ.


Hidden Treasure: A Study on God's Purpose & His Nature | 11.14.22

Did you know that God not only longs to reveal His purpose for your life, but even more importantly, He longs to reveal His NATURE to you! That He is a good Father who loves you and know best what you need in any given moment. This week, Frank sharesRead more


Trading the New for the Known

We are a people who love new things, aren't we? Let's be honest, could you use that new iPhone 14 Pro? I could! And yet, while we crave the new, we ignore all that we have been given already. The same applies to our walk with the Lord. So often we waRead more


What Can We Give to God?

Have you ever wondered what we could possibly ever give back to God that He hasn't already given to us first? In other words, what do you give the person who has it all??? This week on the podcast, Frank shares about the ONE thing that matters most tRead more


Truth & Freedom Are Constant Companions

Which is more important in recovery? Real freedom or simple sobriety. This is the question we explore this week on the podcast. Real freedom has so much more to do with the journey than the destination. And as your recovery becomes as natural as breaRead more


Tell the Whole Truth & Nothing But the Truth

Recently, I began thinking about one of the most fundamental building blocks of addiction recovery: Honesty. The willingness to drop the walls, drop the facade, and allow others to see inside of your life. A life of honesty refuses to hide, cover up,Read more

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