The Equestrian Tai Chi Podcast

The Equestrian Tai Chi Podcast

By Jenny Pim

The Equestrian Tai Chi Podcast will share about our Energy/Chi and the Horse's, and the energetic connection that's possible between us. It will also share about Taoist Philosophy and how we can bring it into a living reality in our lives. Please visit our website to find out about our Certification Programs for Instructors and Training for Riders!


Awakening Your Internal Energy and Uniting with the Energy of Your Horse

This episode is about the the course Awakening Your Internal Energy and Uniting with the Energy of Your Horse. Our horses are more sensitive to energy than we are. If we can learn to open and develop our energy, we can connect with them at a deeper Read more


How being Wu Wei while we do our horse chores is good for our health and our horses

Wu Wei is a Taoist concept that encourages us to be natural and do things in an easy and effortless way. This makes it much easier for our horses to be with us.  Wu Wei (wei sounds like ‘way’ in English) is literally translated as ‘non action’ and cRead more


Using the Tai Chi Symbol to help pinpoint areas that are not working for us with something that is special to us.

This episode is a little about the how the energy of karma controls us, and also about using the Tai Chi Symbol to help pinpoint areas that are not working for us with something that is special to us.


Yin Energy in Objects in our Surroundings at this time of Year!

This episode is about Yin energy in objects in our houses and also about the energy of the water element in objects. Water is one of the five elements or five phases of energy, if it is not allowed flow, it stops people who have water as their predoRead more


How working with energy opens our Heart-Mind and allows more connection with our horse

This episode is how working with our energy opens our Heart-Mind and allows more connection with our horse.   Please click below if you would like a video about the 7 Steps of Tao Riding

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