Wavve Link #1

Wavve Link #1

By Lisa Lam

My goal is to help make a positive impact to everyone that I connect with that is authentic and enriching. This is one of the reasons that I have created this weekly podcast. The aim of this podcast is to help you grow and develop your skills and challenge your existing mindset and perceptions. My experience is largely based on my work as a leadership coach and marketing and business operations role in various companies such as Microsoft. For more information, check out lisalamcoach.com


Grit is the key to getting what you want.

The difference between achieving what you want and not lies in this key attribute :  GRIT.  Grit allows you to achieve these 3 key areas: 1. Keeps you achieving goals. 2. Keeps you focus. 3. Keeps you going. To find out more, check out lisalamcoach.cRead more


Start the New Year Intentionally

Should I even bother with new year resolutions or goals? My answer is don’t bother creating one unless you are able to be intentional and to sustain it over a period of time.  How do I go about having a sustainable and intentional year?  That is whatRead more


The Direction of Your Life is Determined by Your Thoughts

You might have an intention such as: · To step into the everyday with purpose OR · To live a life that is intentional and purposeful. Great phrases and deep down that’s exactly what we have in mind for our lives. I bet, there is no one who intentionaRead more


Make Time Your Friend and NOT your Enemy

How do you use time to get what you want done? For most people there is usually around 12 to 16 hours of time that you are able to use, taking into account sleep time. How we therefore use that amount time is where we have to build a healthy relationRead more


Hurry is the Enemy of a Happy Life

What can you do to reduce or eliminate the rushing around and hurried life? I think there are 3 guidelines that we can follow, and they are: 1. Create Margins in your day, your life. 2. Focus on the important and impact. 3. Walk and Not Run

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