Weekly Energy Boost

Weekly Energy Boost

The Kabbalah Centre

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Victory in Everyday Battles

We all feel, at times, that life is an uphill battle, and this week invites us to explore the context of our struggles. Discover how Kabbalistic teachings define true victory, and how the language we use can affect our everyday victories. We'll examine the idea of inner battles and their impact on daily life, practical techniques for maintaining a positive mindset, and the role of Tikkun in overcoming obstacles. Even more importantly, this week's wisdom helps us better understand why challenges exist and how to view them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and Yehuda Ashkenazi @ashke72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. Join @eitanyardeni and @elishevabalas for a 10 week deep dive into the foundational teachings of Kabbalah, live on zoom: https://bit.ly/K1SEPT2024 Find all of our Kabbalah 1 courses globally here: https://www.kabbalah.com/en/events/?category=kabbalah-1  Follow Yehuda Ashkenazi at @ashke72 for more meditations, sound healing connections and inspiration.  Visit www.weeklyenergyboost.com to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution atwww.weeklyenergyboost.com/donate-today.

About Weekly Energy Boost

Kabbalah as a universal wisdom that predates the Bible or religion, and can be studied by anyone regardless of their faith or path. Presenting the wisdom from a lineage of great kabbalists, The Kabbalah Centre and its teachers provide a course of study that describes the origin of Creation, the physical and spiritual laws of the universe, including human existence, and the journey of the soul. WEEKLY ENERGY BOOST is a 7-day forecast of each week’s spiritual essence, energy, opportunities, and potential challenges. Based upon kabbalistic writings, we’ll be sharing and discussing our favorite insights, teachings, tools and prescriptions for each unique window in time as it approaches. In addition, we’ll bring stories, concepts and strategies to assist you in elevating your approach to your own daily lives and the situations that you face. Listeners can call or write in with questions, topic suggestions, and discussion. We look forward to bringing you the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah in a relevant and useful way! Access more episodes, subscribe, and learn more.