A Tale of Two Hygienists
By Andrew Johnston, RDH - One of the Two Dental Hygienists
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Does your office perform subgingival irrigation? And if so, what medicament do you use? In this episode, Katrina Sanders discusses the extent that subgingival irrigation is beneficial when combined with SRP... and where else we should be looking to i… Read more
Folks it has been some interesting 14 days. In this episode, Andrew discusses some emails sent from the ADHA to his place of employment, not to him directly, but to a sister publication. Instead of retaliation, he lists 6 things that the ADHA can do … Read more
Are you looking for an adventure? Friend of the show Angie Stone joins us on this episode to talk about her role as a recruiter for dental hygiene placement in Ghana! astone5501@gmail.com
Fentanyl. It's a drug that many of us have heard about but do not know what it actually is, how its used, and the seriousness for those who use it. Lucky for all of us, we have Tom Viola on this week to break it down for us in 7 minutes or less.
Many of us have experienced a form of seasonal depression when the days are shorter and colder but what happens when those feelings don't leave? Life is hard and its not uncommon to get overwhelmed and spiral, but it's what you do in those times that… Read more
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