Boo’d Up... Still Loading

Boo’d Up... Still Loading

By Mercedes Raven

Black Millennial Dating Podcast by Raven Roberts & Mercedes Bass on Relationships, Situationships and Everything in Between!


210 Marriage

The Millennial narrative is that 50 percent of marriages end in divorce but what about the percentages that are successful. Marriage may not be the end goal for all relationships but for those who seek wedded bliss experts, Len and LaTasha Cooper. WeRead more


209 Moving In Together

The natural progression in most  millennial relationships is moving in however can this step help or hinder a relationship?! We discuss the pros and cons and significant factors that all should consider before giving up your keys! In the words of HeiRead more


208 Baggage: Let's Unpack It

Erykah Badu warned us to pack light yet we are still walking around with LV trunks! Emotional and Physical baggage is sorta the enviable in all romantics relationships however it is how you unpack it, that determines lessons learned  or repeated toxiRead more


207 The Rules of Breakups

Breakups are never fun! It’s sort of on the job training for romantic relationships but if that’s the case why isn’t there a manual or guide to get us through the process. If there are “Breakup Rules” are they universal?


206 Online Dating Etiquette

Millennial Dating comes in many forms; the most popular now being online dating. Whether you are sliding in the DM’s or swiping left,  the digital space seems to be the most convenient place to find potential bae! With the being said people still do Read more

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