Cycling Demystified - Bike Fit, Mechanics and Soft Issues

Cycling Demystified - Bike Fit, Mechanics and Soft Issues

By Cycling Demystified - Bike Fit, Mechanics and Soft Issues

Professional bike fitters from Foundation Bike Fit Wei & Matt sit down weekly with Frequency Cycleworks mechanic/owner Ev to rant about the bike industry and discuss the ins and outs of cycling with a bias towards bike fitting and custom bikes.


111: "Humans First Please" - PART 1: The 6 MODERN Bike Fit Mistakes

Welcome to a brand new 6 part series where we explore the modern bike fit mistakes we see riders making on a daily basis. Listen in each week to discover what each of the mistakes are, why they are relevant to modern riders and how you can use this kRead more


110: How Do You Know If A Bike Fit Will Work For You?

Will it work? What guarantees do I have? What if it doesn't work? How will I know if it works? All important questions every rider will have asked themselves before coming in for a bike fit... So how do riders make the right decision for them? The teRead more


109: Do You Need To Care About The Geometry Of Bike Handling?

Bike fit is usually seen to be concerned with creating biomechanical optimisation, pedalling efficiency, and comfort. But when you're choosing a new bike do you care about the handling characteristics of your new bike? How can you tell how a new bikeRead more


108: A Bike Fit "Standard" Accepted By Saddle Manufacturers - Should You Use It?

We've talked about Saddle BRP (Biomechanical Reference Point) on the podcast before [Ep55 Do This One Thing For Your Saddle Comfort] But some recent bike fits and customer experiences within bike shops have led us to feel the need to discuss the concRead more


107: Are Established Cycling Traditions Holding Back True Innovation?

The traditions in life create a sense of safety through their predictability and more often than not we look forward to them, such as Christmas and Birthdays... But when do long held traditions in cycling, start to stifle innovation? Are current cycRead more

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