Wavve Link #1
Sersie Blue and Gigi Carter

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God’s Pharmacy – The Healing Power of Whole Plant Foods
This episode is sponsored by the FREE weight loss masterclass: https://www.healthyformypurpose.com/weight-loss-masterclass-opt-in-podcast. In this episode of the Healthy For My Purpose Podcast, you'll discover: 1. How plant-based foods align with God’s original design for nourishment 2. Scriptural support for eating foods that heal 3. Science backing the power of whole plant foods to restore the body Get healthy recipes: https://danielsplate.com/You may also be interested in: https://youtu.be/MQD6YC9CaN8?si=6lJooNtFtOTFdSz3 About Sersie & Gigi Sersie Blue is a faith-based health coach and seminary graduate (MDiv in Counseling). Gigi Carter is a Certified Nutritionist (MS), Diplomate and Certified Lifestyle Medicine Professional through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. These ladies are passionate about sharing the power of plant-based nutrition and faith.
About Wavve Link #1
The Healthy for My Purpose Podcast is designed to inspire you to reclaim your health and invite God into your health journey. This podcast will help you connect being healthy to your divine purpose. You will walk away seeing your health as a spiritual practice. Sersie Blue is a faith-based health coach and seminary graduate (MDiv in Counseling). Gigi Carter is a Certified Nutritionist (MS), Diplomate and Certified Lifestyle Medicine Professional through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. These ladies are passionate about sharing the power of plant-based nutrition and faith. Access more episodes, subscribe, and learn more.