Wavve Link #1
Reformed Perspective

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Ep. 116 - You're Fired: The AI Takeover - David Visser & Kyle Vasas
Is AI all bad? Is it actually taking over? How should we engage with it? Join Lucas AND Tyler as they chat with the good guys at Faith to Film all about AI. We cover what it is, the ethical dilemmas it presents and what this ever changing technology means for the Church. Let us know what you think! 0:00 - Intro 2:40 - What is AI? 6:00 - AI In Media 13:00 - AI Possibilites 29:00 - The Arms Race For AI 33:00 - AI and Education 51:00 - Ethical Dilemmas 1:18:00 - What does this mean for the Church? A BIG THANKS TO OUR OFFICIAL SPONSOR, TRIVAN! WE APPRECIATE YOU HELPING US MAKE THIS CONVERSATION POSSIBLE. BE SURE TO CHECK THEM OUT AT WWW.TRIVAN.COM To keep up with the podcast, check out our website: https://www.realtalkpodcast.ca/ Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates, clips, and more! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReformedRealTalk Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reformedrealtalk/ We'd love to hear from you. Please send us your questions, comments, or other feedback at realtalk@reformedperspective.ca. Thanks for listening! If you liked what you heard, please share this podcast with your family and friends!
About Wavve Link #1
Real Talk is a podcast presented by Reformed Perspective focused on having meaningful and honest conversations with subject experts about the various challenges and issues facing the Reformed church community. Hosted by Lucas Holtvluwer and Tyler Vanderwoude, Real Talk aims to inform your discussions and inspire you to have challenging but important conversations with fellow Christians in the spirit of brotherly love. Access more episodes, subscribe, and learn more.