Intuition Academy

Intuition Academy

By Kaila M Corsiglia

What does life look like when you just LET GO? This "blogcast" is for those wanting to experience life through the guidance of intuition. Living life in flow and trust, letting go of the mind, and choosing instead to follow the guidance within. Follow along as I experience the uniqueness that my intuition guides me to.


Inner Voice 101

Hello my beautiful friends, In today's episode we are going to be talking about the inner voice, something I talk about frequently on this podcast. This episode is actually inspired by an old episode I recorded back in 2021 that is no longer publiclyRead more


An Inner Voice Message About Money; 2021 re-release

Hello my beautiful friends, In today's episode we are going to be revisiting an old episode from 2021 that was deleted from the podcast back in 2023. We're visiting an old episode today because I have about 5 canker sores in my mouth after having a dRead more


When Desire Meets Expectation Pt. 2

Hello my beautiful friends, In today's episode we are going to be talking about the topic of desire and expectation and how the joining of the two creates this ripple effect in your life that has the power to change everything This will be a really gRead more


When Desire Meets Expectation Pt.1

Hello my beautiful friends, Today's episode is a quick one covering desire and expectation; This will only be part 1 and I will release part 2 later this week as there is a major leak in my kitchen and I have needed to attend to that today, so couldnRead more


Action Doesn't Lead to Creation

Hello my beautiful friends, In today's episode of Intuition Academy I’m going to be talking about creation and a common misunderstanding and confusing point in the process of it.  This will be a really good listen if you feel as if you have to take aRead more

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