Wine and Crime Podcast

Wine and Crime Podcast

By Wine & Crime Podcast

True Crime Comedy


Ep368 North Carolina Crimes

This week, the gals strike out for the Tar Heel State to explore a couple of cold cases. Topics include a bizarrely frugal killer, history’s first planking pilot, and a really unlikely blackmail scheme gone wrong. Get yourself a bottle of Native VineRead more


Ep367 Ozark Crimes

This week, the gals gas up their houseboat to head out to a mysterious region of the country. Topics include a small-town disappearance, the cutest bats you’ve ever seen, and a deep dive into an unsolved murder that inspired generations of anxious baRead more


Ep366 Lobotomy Crimes

This week, the gals get the inside scoop on a very controversial medical practice. Topics include a forgotten Kennedy, some gross sound effects, and a speed demon surgeon. Grab a glass of Tooth & Nail Stasis Aglianico, shine up your leucotome, and tuRead more


Ep64 Gossip at the Corpse Cart

This month’s GACC is chock full of cumbersome turds, deceased dogs, a Lazarus lizard, a provocative bush, pig obligations, the sweetest obit, and why you should never eat string. Tune in for April’s Gossip at the Corpse Cart! For a full list of showRead more


Ep365 Swiftie Crimes

This week, the gals exchange friendship bracelets and chat about one very big pop star. Topics include an album devoted to a legal loophole, a Waffle House massacre, and some inside jokes shared by millions. Drop some cubes into your Sauv Blanc, insuRead more

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