Wavve Link #1

Wavve Link #1

By Laura Horn

Known for their down-to-earth conversations, each week, artist Laura Horn and husband, Richie, share their experience of making art, running a business, and juggling family life. Join them as they talk about the hot topics facing artists today. From finding your style to navigating social media, this podcast is packed with relatable stories and practical strategies to help you grow as an artist.


163. Embracing Artistic Exploration Without Needing To Know “The Why”

Feeling the pressure to figure out and define your art? This conversation might get you thinking differently. What if you allowed yourself to play a little longer, to explore without constraints, and to gather inspiration from far and wide? That's exRead more


162. Persist, Pivot, or Pack It In?

How long should you persist with a creative pursuit, art style, or medium if you are not enjoying it? This episode could also have been titled: I really want to love acrylics, but I am not sure if I do? It's a personal conversation about the confusiRead more


161. Taking a Step Back To Inspire My Art and YouTube Channel

This week, Richie and I chat about why it can be helpful to revisit previous art styles or processes in your art practice or business. This idea emerged as I've rediscovered and fallen back in love with the playful style of art from my very first onlRead more


160. How To Find Your Creative Flow Again After a Break

Breaks are wonderful and necessary, but they can also make it hard to get back into your artistic groove. This week, Richie and I discuss this challenge and offer practical guidance and encouragement to help you turn your creative drought into a fresRead more


159. Nostalgic Musings: Rediscovering the Joy of Being an Artist

Is it nostalgia? Maybe I've got those rose-tinted glasses on again. Do you ever get the feeling that being an artist was more enjoyable before? Is all this pressure to do more and be on multiple social media platforms accumulating, taking away the joRead more

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