Marxist Voice

Marxist Voice

By Revolutionary Communist Party

Marxist theory, news and analysis brought to you by Socialist Appeal - the British section of the International Marxist Tendency. Get involved in the struggle for socialism today!


Communist Manifesto | Classics of Marxism #1

Opening our new series on Marxist Classics, aimed to inspire our listeners to tackle these texts for themselves, Daniel, Tom, Lubna & Peter discuss the Communist Manifesto. The founding document of our movement, it is without a slightest doubt a textRead more


No to Starmer's militarism! | Communist Radio #15

Fiona Lali and Adam Booth sit down to discuss the Labour government's militarist tirade, and why their attempts to whip up patriotism are not being bought by the workers and youth, who are sick of the establishment's austerity and warmongering. 🔗 Read more


Communism vs feminism: How to fight women's oppression | Communist Radio #14

The crisis of capitalism has brought serious attacks on the rights of women. Capitalism has failed women through austerity and imperialist warmongering that has seen places like Gaza turned to rubble and working class women in Britain pushed into furRead more


Lenin and the Russian Revolution of 1917

The February Revolution brought an end to the blood-soaked Tsarist Empire. For the first few months, confusion reigned in Bolshevik party, most of whom failed to understand the limits of the Provisional Government; its interests opposed to the massesRead more


The death of 'woke' | Communist Radio #13

Trump's victory has meant the establishment and even some on the left have started to reject 'woke' identity politics. In this episode of Communist Radio, Fiona and Daniel sit down and discuss where identity politics came from and how oppression muRead more

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