Marxist Voice

Marxist Voice

By Revolutionary Communist Party

Marxist theory, news and analysis brought to you by Socialist Appeal - the British section of the International Marxist Tendency. Get involved in the struggle for socialism today!


Science, society, and revolution

Throughout history, mankind’s ability to develop knowledge and advance our understanding of nature has been shaped by material conditions and social forces. It is not simply individual geniuses that have helped science to take leaps forward, but revoRead more


Fascism: What it is and how to fight it

Capitalism is in a global economic crisis. The working class everywhere are experiencing falling living standards, and have been for at least a decade. This inevitably has huge political and social effects. There is a bitter anger brewing deep in socRead more


Bangladesh's unfinished revolution: The 1971 War of Liberation

Today, Bangladesh is glowing with the white heat of revolution. The masses have once more entered the arena of struggle. They are rediscovering a rich revolutionary tradition that goes back decades. In reality, the tasks of this revolution are the unRead more


Books Not Bombs! (Revolution Festival 2024 rally)

Schools are collapsing, universities are going bankrupt, and millions of students and children are living in poverty.  All the while, our politicians fork out billions on bombs, and university bosses rake in a fortune through their ties to the IsraelRead more


Lessons from the 2011 Arab Revolutions

13 years ago, without any organisation, programme, plan or preparation, the Arab masses, in the words of Marx, ‘stormed heaven’. In a matter of weeks they brought down regimes that decades of petitioning by NGO’s and academic do-gooders could not budRead more

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