Mind Manifest

Mind Manifest

By Mind Manifest Podcast

Mind Manifest is the podcast that digs deep into the science of Psychedelics. We interview researchers, thought leaders and other luminaries who are at the coal face of this renaissance. So cut through the noise, converse with vanguard, this is Mind Manifest.


EP 28 - Niall Campbell - Final Podcast

Today’s podcast is quite different. It marks the end of the Mind Manifest podcast and is an episode where I turn the microphone back on myself. The inner healer is a clever and amazing thing. Some years ago, whilst I was becoming somewhat disilluRead more


EP 27 DR Ben Sessa

In today’s podcast, I did a live event with Dr. Ben Sessa. at Luna Palace in Leederville. Ben was in town to help with various Antipodean psychedelic training schemes and conferences, and was kind enough to sit down for a live podcast - and a bit ofRead more


EP 26 - William Sieghart

In today’s podcast, I spoke with William Sieghart, who is the author of the Poetry Pharmacy. William is an advocate for the consideration of mental well-being in its broadest possible sense, and he is on a mission to help take ‘poetry out of poetry cRead more


EP 25 - Justin James

In today’s podcast, I spoke with Justin James, who is the current CEO of HIF health insurance fund. HIF was the first major Australian health fund to declare support for medicinal cannabis treatments and offer rebates to members through its partnershRead more


EP 24 - Simon Baron-Cohen

In today’s podcast, I spoke with Simon Baron-Cohen. Professor Baron-Cohen is a world expert in the field of Autism research, and we had a wide-ranging discussion on this topic. The ways in which psychedelic compounds interface with different styles oRead more

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