The Why Behind the What

The Why Behind the What

By Nathan Albert

The 'what' can spark a conversation; the 'why' can open up one's soul. Season Two's theme is Ancient Contemplative Spirituality for Today's Transformation. Learn more at


S.3 Episode 38: The Squirrel Whisperer

I think I found a squirrel whisperer. He helped me be so still I experienced the mystical and mysterious all around me. Check out my website. and come find me on Twitter or Instagram. Review this podcast on Apple Podcasts. If you need help, here's aRead more


S.3 Episode 37: What is the Loving Thing to Do?

I am not a normal or wise person and this caused me to cut open my hand with scissors. This got me thinking about the damage and pain we cause when we're not aware. Yet, it got me thinking about how much damage and pain our theological beliefs cause.Read more


S.3 Episode 36: Sea Glass as the Spiritual Life

I am mildly obsessed with sea glass. And by mildly, I mean wildly. It has shifted my entire understanding of the spiritual life. By far, it has become one of my favorite metaphors for the Christian faith and the spiritual life.  Subscribe to my newslRead more


S.3 Episode 35: Kicked in the Face with a Tap Shoe

I once got kicked in the face with a tap shoe. I had a mustache at the time, so I probably deserved it. Thinking about that experience, I'm reminded how slowing down and being aware is the beginning of the spiritual life. And, you're less likely to gRead more


S.3 Episode 34: Rehab Relevance

Some people seem to think the best way to be relevant is to strip away the stuff that actually is relevant. Sometimes, though, you need to restore it instead.  Subscribe to my newsletter and check out my website and blog. Find me on Twitter or InstagRead more

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