Orion Speaks
Jospher Kanna
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A Mere 37 Seconds
Firstly, Shipwreck. Ever heard this word before? If not, let me refine it for you. A Shipwreck in normal words is the remains of a sunken ship that are found in ocean beds or either beached. Now, what’s “The Humongous Shipwreck”? Might have guessed it? Right?...yes it is “The Titanic” We all know about The Titanic. To make it easy for you, it’s The Unsinkable, which sank. That’s as simple as that. There are a lot of theories that explain why The Titanic sank but, the actual story is quite impressive, furthermore, it’s painful too... This 19’s beauty made everyone’s heart melt. Yet remained a mystery. But, as I told you, you’ll soothe in all this time. Click here to view the Credits and Transcript - orionspeaks861182521.wordpress.com
About Orion Speaks
In this amazing universe, everything ends. We just talk about the things we are fond of, and the things which made our days worse than it could've been. Now, what are you? Can you answer any such Questions? Everything has an end, but not to the one we’ll be talking about on this show. I’m Jospher Kanna, and I’ll be hosting the show “Orion Speaks”. A ride through the time. We on our side take you through history and the future. The stories you'd love to listen to are the ones we’d love to talk about. Subscribe now to catch us every time we post a new Episode. Access more episodes, subscribe, and learn more.