Over The Wall with Rob LoCascio
Rob LoCascio

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EP31: Mario Andretti
Despite facing immense challenges, Mario Andretti has become one of the most successful drivers in racing history. In this episode, we discover how his lifelong experience in this dangerous and exhilarating competitive sport started and what it took for him to succeed. From a young age, Mario and his twin brother Aldo dreamed of becoming racecar drivers. Despite the multitude of adversities, Mario became a world-class competitive driver who is now a family man and philanthropist aiming to teach the next generations about discipline and the value of resilience. Tune into the episode to learn the story behind Mario’s success and how he became a legend! Key Highlights: [01:30 - 05:35] Formula One Legend, Mario Andretti, shares his life advice and why determination and decision were key to his success in a highly challenging field. [05:50 - 07:50] Mario Andretti tells the story of how he became a race car driver and the role that faith and family support played in allowing him to overcome struggles. [15:45 - 20:30] A disciplined mind keeps a race car driver alive, and a positive thought keeps him motivated and focused. Family is also a key factor in success. [23:48 - 25:20] F1 looks like an individual effort, but it’s all about teamwork, which is required to keep a complex machine running. [26:10 - 27:15] Which is more important for racing competitions, the car or the driver? [32:28 - 34:30] You can never take things for granted as a race car driver, because any race could be your last. [34:40 - 35:45] There can’t be one individual victory that defines you because each victory has something special, and they all build up into a career. [40:09 - 45:10] Inspiration to succeed doesn’t come just from individual ambition but from your family’s support and the drive to help others. Tweetable Quotes: “Nothing that’s worthwhile to pursue in life will be a bed of roses. There’ll always be challenges. If you waste your time dwelling on your mistakes or blaming others, you’ll end up losing yourself.” -Mario Andretti “One of the keys to my success was learning that it is bigger than just me. There is a whole team behind. These are people who have families and dreams. To win meant to show them that their work was worth it.” -Mario Andretti “The car and the driver are inherently intertwined. A car cannot make up for what the driver lacks, and vice versa, no matter how good either one of them is.” -Mario Andretti “One of the key aspects for you to succeed as a driver is to always include your team. Make them proud to be there and make them feel like they’re an important part of why you’re there.” -Mario Andretti Don’t forget to visit Mario Andretti’s website to learn more about him and his career: https://www.marioandretti.com/career-highlights Enjoying the podcast? For more content, find me all over social: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roblocascio Twitter: https://twitter.com/RobLoCascio LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rlocascio
About Over The Wall with Rob LoCascio
Rob LoCascio invented webchat for companies. He founded a billion dollar company and has been on the entrepreneurial journey for 25 years. Along the way, Rob had to take risks and make mistakes; his journey to success was not a clear path. In this show, Rob shares his journey, invites industry titans to discuss their biggest mistakes and lessons learned, and helps real entrepreneurs work through challenges big and small. Access more episodes, subscribe, and learn more.