Recovery Bites
Karin Lewis, MA, LMFT, CEDS

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BIPoC Eating Disorders Conference 2023 with Whitney Trotter and Angela Goens
This week, Karin welcomes Whitney Trotter and Angela Goens, in, "BIPoC Eating Disorders Conference 2023." “Black, Brown, and Indigenous People of Color have often been excluded from eating disorder treatment, employment, advocacy, and research. If treatment is able to be accessed it often leaves out the intersection of one’s identity, culture and trauma.” Designed to disrupt and dismantle the status quo for eating disorder care, Whitney Trotter and Angela Goens will be hosting the second BIPoC Virtual Eating Disorders Conference July 19th through July 22, 2023, for Black, Indigenous, and any Person of Color (PoC). Register here and follow @bipoc.eatingdisorders for updates. Whitney Trotter, MS, RDN/LDN, RN, RYT is a Registered Dietitian and RN, Anti-racism Educator/Consultant and Human Trafficking Activist. With a mission to develop BIPoC-centered care, Whitney offers consultations and training for those looking to become more informed in their treatment and support for BIPoC clients suffering with disordered eating/eating disorders & trauma. Angela Goens, MS, RDN, LD works with clients to explore their relationship with food in connection with their body as they navigate systems of oppression via years of experience, education and understanding, by using a whole-person, weight inclusive, body positive lens.
About Recovery Bites
Getting real about eating disorder and mental health recovery with voices in the field and voices of lived experience Access more episodes, subscribe, and learn more.