Tone Deaf: A Theatre Nerd's Guide for their Musically Challenged Spouse

Tone Deaf: A Theatre Nerd's Guide for their Musically Challenged Spouse

By K and Warren

A married couple's journey through musical theatre


Episode 1: Jello Songs for Jello Cats

In this inaugural episode of Tone Deaf: A Theatre Nerd's Guide for their Musically Challenged Spouse, K introduces Warren to musical theatre by throwing him in feet first and diving into the record breaking phenomenon of the Andrew Lloyd Webber hit, Read more


Episode 2: Night of the Living Hills

After surviving his first musical, Warren is introduced to a show he should have seen long ago. K shows him how to solve a problem like Maria and Warren learns that the hills truly are alive with the Sound of Music in this episode of Tone Deaf!


Episode 3: A Clockwork Warren (The Singin' in the Rain Episode)

WARNING: This episode has audio issues in the first half and some of the second half. In keeping with the mostly unedited spirit of this podcast, we decided to keep it in so as not to lose the jokes. K has worked as much audio-magic as they could, buRead more


Episode 4: We're Just a Bunch of Crazy Guys and Dolls

Hooray! An episode without any Broadway Acid Trips! In this episode: Warren learns how the title song to the show they're watching actually goes, K learns that Warren doesn't have a gangster name, and, in an effort to expand on the ending of "Guys anRead more


Episode 5: *BLEEP* Yankees

Warren pried Kay away from a certain popular dinosaur survival game in order to record this episode. In this episode: Kay learns that Warren does not know what "Faust" is, more accidental marriage advice is given, and Warren goes on a Dragon Ball Z tRead more

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