

By Receivables Insurance Canada

Bringing Canada to the World


Episode 34: Avoiding the Pitfalls When Granting Credit

Tips for Credit Managers Granting credit is not an easy decision and can be risky, particularly when you are working with a new customer and operating without a credit department. You need to balance risk management, regulatory compliance, operationaRead more


Episode #33: Driving Opportunities | Mitigating Risk in the Automotive Supply Chain

USE CASES FOR TRADE CREDIT INSURANCE The world’s focus on the EV revolution has new automotive plants and gigafactories popping up across North America and beyond. This opens up new opportunities in various sectors including construction and the autoRead more


Episode 32: Expert Knowledge Pays

A TRADE CREDIT INSURANCE SPECIALIST AS YOUR BROKER OF RECORD An aerospace products company engages a Trade Credit Insurance Specialist to investigate its receivables insurance policy coverage after a claim denial. In this episode “From the Trenches” Read more


Episode 31: You Saved My Business

THE VALUE OF A TRADE CREDIT INSURANCE BROKER One customer of a seasonal business was responsible for 80% of the company’s revenue. When it filed for bankruptcy protection the seasonal business owner was owed $1.6million. In this episode “From the TreRead more


Episode 30: Know Your Customer

WHAT’S IN A NAME? EVERYTHING! When a receivables insurance/trade credit insurance policy holder submitted a seven figure claim it came to light that they had requested cover on the wrong company because of confusion with the company name. This From tRead more

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