What the Hell Is Going On

What the Hell Is Going On

By AEI Podcasts

The American Enterprise Institute’s Danielle Pletka and Marc Thiessen address the questions we’re all asking in their podcast, “What the Hell Is Going On?” In conversational, informative and irreverent episodes, Pletka and Thiessen interview policymakers and experts, asking tough, probing questions about the most important foreign policy and security challenges facing the world today.


WTH is Going On With Birthright Citizenship? Adam White Explains

On President Trump’s first day in office, he issued an executive order titled “Protecting the Meaning and Value of American Citizenship,” attempting to change the current understanding of the Fourteenth Amendment by declaring that the children of illRead more


WTH Extra, 300th Episode Edition! Trump Finally Gets His Honeymoon. Dany and Marc Discuss

In the 300th episode of What the Hell is Going On? Dany and Marc discuss Marc’s column in the Washington Post, Donald Trump finally gets his honeymoon. When Trump first entered the Oval Office in 2017, the Democratic Party was in full “resist” mode, Read more


WTH: Russia is Weaker Than Most Believe. George Barros Explains

Many who follow Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have come to the same conclusion: Russia can defeat Ukraine with its “incredible” strength. However, Russia is much weaker than even many in the American media let on. The Russian military is bleeding trooRead more


WTH: Jimmy Carter Was Our Worst Modern Ex-President. Steven Hayward Explains

While many understand the failures of the late Jimmy Carter’s presidency, he is often referred to as our “best ex-president” because of his humanitarian and diplomatic efforts following his loss to President Reagan. However, the rose-colored glasses Read more


WTH Extra! Who Gets Ukraine’s $26 Trillion In Gas and Minerals? Dany and Marc Discuss

In this episode of WTH Extra! Dany and Marc discuss Marc’s column in the Washington Post, Does Trump want Putin to get Ukraine’s $26 trillion in gas and minerals? Ukraine is a mineral superpower, with some of the largest reserves of 117 of the 120 moRead more

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