EQ@Work With Mucha Mlingo

EQ@Work With Mucha Mlingo

Mucha Mlingo

EQ@Work With Mucha Mlingo play_circle_filled

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E19: Moving Forward With Purpose

As you step into Q3, take time to realign with your purpose. Ask yourself: What has God placed on my heart for this season? What is the one thing I can do this quarter that will move me closer to fulfilling that purpose? Trust that, as you commit your plans to Him, He will guide your steps. Stagnation is not your destiny. You’re not stuck—you’re being prepared. This is your season to reflect, realign, and take action with renewed clarity and purpose.

About EQ@Work With Mucha Mlingo

Join host, Mucha Mlingo as she shares tips & tricks that will help you power up your career with Emotional Intelligence - the 'soft skill' that drives professional success!This podcast is for professionals who are keen to leverage the learnable skill of Emotional Intelligence to increase impact & effectiveness at work, build and strengthen professional relationships to maximise influence Access more episodes, subscribe, and learn more.