Intuition Academy

Intuition Academy

Kaila M Corsiglia

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Latest Episode

Living Radically Through the Intuition - Reflections on 4 Years of Living Through the Guidance of my Inner Voice

Hello my beautiful friends, In today's episode I am talking about a huge milestone and anniversary - roughly 4 years of living radically through the guidance of my intuition. Some of the topics I cover in my reflections are:  - Money - Work/Career - Mindset & a bit more.  This was a really fun episode to record. If you've been interested in potentially living in this "radical" way, then this episode may be helpful for you to tune into.  If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, my inbox is open for invitations and questions. If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup an introduction call Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast SHOWNOTES Work with me --> Work with me Email --> Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia Donate --> Thank You

About Intuition Academy

What does life look like when you just LET GO? This "blogcast" is for those wanting to experience life through the guidance of intuition. Living life in flow and trust, letting go of the mind, and choosing instead to follow the guidance within. Follow along as I experience the uniqueness that my intuition guides me to. Access more episodes, subscribe, and learn more.