Marxist Voice

Marxist Voice

Revolutionary Communist Party

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Science, society, and revolution

Throughout history, mankind’s ability to develop knowledge and advance our understanding of nature has been shaped by material conditions and social forces. It is not simply individual geniuses that have helped science to take leaps forward, but revolutionary changes within society. Today, far from fuelling scientific progress, the profit motive and capitalist competition have become an enormous barrier to human knowledge. Only socialist planning can free science from these chains. In this episode, Ben Curry, editorial board member of, will discuss the crisis in modern science, and why socialist revolution is needed in order that a new epoch of scientific revolution can flourish. ✊ Join the Revolutionary Communist Party. 📰 Order issue 48 of the In Defence of Marxism magazine, or subscribe to the magazine here. 💸 Donate to the RCP. 🌐 Read the latest international news and analysis from the RCI.

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Marxist theory, news and analysis brought to you by Socialist Appeal - the British section of the International Marxist Tendency. Get involved in the struggle for socialism today! Access more episodes, subscribe, and learn more.