The Rise Society

The Rise Society

Thrive and Strive LLC

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Unlocking Your Child's Potential: Why Great Schools Alone Aren't Enough

Today, I wanted to share my experiences navigating the education system as a parent. It's been quite the journey, and I've been surprised to find that many parents are supplementing their children's education with personal tutors and enrichment programs, even if they attend a highly rated school. When my son started school, I thought extracurriculars and sports would be enough to supplement his learning. But boy, was I wrong! As a parent, it can be incredibly frustrating to realize your child is struggling with something and not know how to help them. Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "Why isn't your son getting all of his academic needs met at school?" Well, that's exactly what I want to talk about today. While attending a great school is important, it's not always enough. So, let's start a conversation about what needs to be done to prepare our children for their future. Because, trust me, you are not alone on this journey.

About The Rise Society

Do any of these sound like you? ‘I’m burnt out and sick of being the catch all.’…‘I’m a grown woman and I still don’t know what I want to do with my life.’ or…‘I know there is something bigger in this world for me, I’m just not sure if I’ll ever figure out what it is.’ I hear you, sis! Whenever we make a little progress, another challenge arrives. It’s never easy…but you’re better than easy. If you’re building your career, starting a business, finding love, raising kids, building wealth–or maybe all those things at once–this is the show for you. The Rise Society Podcast is here to inspire and equip you to design a life full of joy, balance, and accomplishment. Join me as I host live workshop style episodes with step-by-step strategies for success and interview women with personal journeys that inspire and practical strategies to grow. Together, we’ll redefine leveling up, so you can achieve success that’s authentically yours. Access more episodes, subscribe, and learn more.