Wavve Link #1
More Than A Hit

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Episode Four: push baby (Jake Roche and Charley Bagnall)
After cycling through names over the years, U.K.-based pop group push baby feels like they're now in their element. Members Jake Roche and Charley Bagnall are a year and some change past the birth of their first experimental, ever-creative pop EP, "Woah," and are already anticipating what's to come with their next project following the recent release of "Wanna Go." Roche and Bagnall chatted with us for our fourth episode, a chat that included a lesson on cherrypickers. On the mic: @brentonblanchet and @bencblanchet Guests: @jakeroche and @bilbobagnall of @pushbaby Graphics: @paulblanchi Recorded: Nov. 20, 2020
About Wavve Link #1
Two brothers tackle the '00s and '10s and interview the period's best hit-makers that they grew up listening to. Benjamin and Brenton Blanchet on the mic, with graphics by Paolo Blanchi. Access more episodes, subscribe, and learn more.